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Felino - Valli del Baganza/Parma

In the Land of Prosciutto


The route rolls in Parma’s hills with only one proper climb: Fragno Pass ( / 6.8% average gradient).

KM 65
Elevation gain 800
Difficulty A**/F***
Category Amateur/Family
Max. gradient 9%
Duration 3h00-3h30

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tourist info

Parma is in the centre of an important agri-food district, known as ‘Food Valley’. Parma and its province are world-famous for their food products and cuisine, in particular Parmigiano-Reggiano and Prosciutto di Parma.

Prosciutto di Parma is a world-famous ham (its only ingredients are pork and salt, with no additives or preservatives) with the ‘crown’ trademark.

As part of the Food Museums, several museums have been dedicated to typical local cured meats: the Museum of Prosciutto (Langhirano, in the former Foro Boario venues), the Felino Salami Museum (at Felino Castle) and the Zibello Culatello Museum (at L’Antica Corte Pallavicina Palazzo delle due Torri in Polesine Parmense).

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