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    The Giro d’Italia takes Pink to the G7 meeting with Foreign Affairs Ministers


    The Giro d’Italia coloured the G7 Foreign Ministers’ meeting in pink. Doing the honours was the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Antonio Tajani, who invited the President of RCS MediaGroup, Urbano Cairo, to tell how the Giro d’Italia is an Ambassador of Sport in the world and how sport must always be a messenger of peace.

    Antonio Tajani, Minister of Foreign Affairs: “The Giro d’Italia is an exceptional showcase for Italy in the world: it contributes to economic growth, attracts tourism and investment, and enhances the territories it passes through. That is why it is the Ambassador of Italian sport in the world. Sports diplomacy is an important tool for promoting Italy, which adds to the tools and actions of the Farnesina for growth diplomacy. This is why, since the beginning of the year, the Farnesina has wanted to create a new office dedicated precisely to sports diplomacy.”.

    Urbano Cairo, President of RCS MediaGroup: “The Giro d’Italia is a journey of over 100 years that goes along the stories not only of sport but of our entire country, as Minister Tajani personally acknowledged a few days ago. The Corsa Rosa is not only a great sporting event but also a messenger of Made in Italy in the world thanks to its media power. The Giro is much loved and followed abroad and there are many enthusiasts who each edition can appreciate and get to know our territory, our excellence and our ‘know-how’. The bicycle is the most eco-friendly means of transportation that has ever existed, and we have a great ambition and a great mission; making each event ever greener and more environmentally sustainable, hence also making our small contribution to the planet. Furthermore, sport has always carried messages of peace between nations and the Giro d’Italia will always work in this direction thanks to this important investiture given to us by Minister Tajani”.

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